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Sonntag, 14. August 2016


October 6, 2007

William J. Clinton Foundation
55 West 125th St.
New York, NY 10027

= Searching For Allies =

To William Jefferson Clinton,
Former President of the United States

Re: We need allies. GTVRG-Questions

Mr. President,

After the tsunami of X-mas 2004 you agreed to be sent to southeast Asia by George W. Bush and by Kofi Annan.

The idea probably was that you would find the appropriate words and dispense some pastoral care. As a matter of fact, you allowed yourself to be used for propaganda. There were people who needed you to cover up a huge scandal. The culprits had every interest to pretty up the catastrophe into an act of God and an unavoidable natural disaster. Everybody was gullible enough to swallow this swindle, especially the press and the media who didn’t express the least bit of doubt. As is customary at such sad occasions, newspapers got their most unctuous pens out, the ones that will invariably come up with words like theodicy, unfathomable will of God and who quote Shakespeare. Some even talked of “the execution of God’s judgement”.

The truth is: The quake and the wave that it triggered were natural events and beyond human control. But the disaster that ensued was man-made and wholly avoidable, had the crisis been managed properly. Journalists, if they had only been more sceptical and done their job, wouldn’t have had to dig deep.

Let’s just mention some incontrovertible facts. The seaquake off northwestern Sumatra was the strongest in nearly half a century. It could be measured and precisely be located by hundreds of seismographs around the planet. This was a shallow quake. Only shallow ones can cause a tsunami. But they don’t always do it.

Now all the irresponsible, incompetent, lazy and criminally negligent politicians, bureaucrats and experts in at least twenty countries who have those hundreds of thousands of victims on their consciences will say to defend themselves: We couldn’t know there was a wave. This is, of course, a lie. But even if it had been true the mere possibility of a wave should have been sufficient reason to issue warnings. And it wouldn’t even have been difficult to know there actually was a wave. The quake started a few miles off the island of Simeulue, which is Indonesian, and then continued in about ten minutes for up to 1600 km along the fault which skirts a string of islands that belong to India, the Nicobars and the Andamans. Within minutes of the quake they all witnessed the unmistakable characteristics of the tsunami: first a swift receding of the water away from the coast and then the sudden onslaught of several destructive waves. It would have been easy for anyone in responsibility, if they had cared, to pick up the phone and get an eye-witness picture of what had happened. And, on the other hand, it is likely that scores if not hundreds of islanders contacted authorities on the mainland.

In addition, it was no problem on this cloudless day to detect via satellite what was happening. Some of the coasts were so badly affected they afterwards looked as if A-bombs had been dropped. Adm. Lautenbacher in Washington, D. C., heads an outfit responsible for tsunami warnings. He claims they couldn’t recognize anything on the satellite screens. This is ridiculous and must be rejected.

Aceh and northwestern Sumatra was struck within 30 minutes after the quake and tens of thousands were killed there. It would have helped if people had been warned 25 or 20 minutes beforehand. Quite apart from the fact that the Indonesians with their long history of disasters should have been so tsunami-savvy as to take the required comprehensive precautions long before the events took their course on X-mas 2004.

After the tragedy in Aceh, at the latest, all the coasts of the Indian Ocean should immediately have been alerted, and all the countless emergency services in the developed world should have been set in motion. There were still another 1½ to 4½ hrs. until the waves would reach Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and the Maldives. Anyone good at math could have worked out themselves the speed of the waves if they had looked up “tsunami” in an encyclopaedia. Experts who knew what a tsunami was certainly should have done it. But nothing happened. No warnings came, nowhere.

The Tsunami Warning Center in Honolulu, which, by the way, ought to be closed instantly because it is so grossly incompetent, this service even issued the all-clear per internet, Bulletin #001:

ISSUED AT 0114Z 26 DEC 2004


It’s incomprehensible that these jerks were later lionized like stars on TV.

In point of technology everything was there. A lot more than has been mentioned here. No need to waste more of the taxpayer’s money. In spite of all the expensive high-tech gear, we got this total snafu. The tools were perfect but not the dummies who manned them.

We would like to find out who was guilty. There are powerful people who prefer to hide the truth. We need allies with some clout before we can hope to force them to fess up. 

Mr. President,

After the tsunami disaster of X-mas 2004 your successor in office George W. Bush, sent you as his special envoy to the stricken areas.

So you know that only the seaquake and the waves it triggered were natural and beyond human control. The rest, the catastrophe that ensued, was man-made and did not have to happen.

There were experts and the technological wherewithal to find out that a tsunami was under way. The people along the coasts could have been warned. There was sufficient time.

But nobody was alerted by anybody

There are lots of guilty people, many of them powerful, who prefer the truth to be covered up. We need allies with clout in order to force the culprits to fess up. All relevant documents, especially the satellite pictures of the critical period (8 a.m. - 12 noon, Sumatra Time, Dec. 26, 2004) must be published. Congress should launch a thorough investigation. 

Mr. President, would you be willing to help us in our endeavours?
- Would you help us to find out the truth?
- Would you help us to get all relevant documents published including all satellite pictures
of the critical period (8 a.m. to 12 noon Sumatra time 12/26/04) which, strangely, are still being withheld?
- Do you know why the Congress didn’t immediately launch a thorough investigation?
- After all, an unknown number of Americans were also killed. Would you help us to get a list of these persons published?
- Would you assist us in our efforts to have an adequate memorial erected in Thailand?

Yours faithfully,

Jerzy Chojnowski
Chairman-GTVRG e.V.

Anyone can contribute. Donate and help our association.
Account for Donations: www.gtvrg.de


Disaster Relief

"The Foundation has funded extensive disaster relief programs following the Indian Ocean Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina. Shortly after Hurricane Katrina hit, President George W. Bush asked former Presidents George H.W. Bush and William J. Clinton to raise funds to help rebuild the Gulf Coast region. The two Presidents, having worked together to assist victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami, established the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund to identify and meet the unmet needs in the region, foster economic opportunity, and to improve the quality of life of those affected. In the first month after the hurricane, the Fund collected over 42,000 online donations alone; approximately $128.4 million has been received to date from all 50 states and $30.9 million from foreign countries."


Our request has been remain still unanswered without any result or reaction so far.

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